


  • Incorrect usage on the README


Breaking Changes

  • Renamed letter to englishLetter since this is all it supports for now
  • Complete re write of the way the module works
    • Importing is now import * as random from 'randoscando'
    • You can also pull only the needed functions like so: import { int, step } from 'randoscando'
    • This also applies to how commonjs requires works
      • const random = require('randoscando')
      • const { int, step } = require('randoscando')
  • Upgraded weighted functionality to be Weighted Distribution instead of Specific Probability
    • This should fix issues with 50/50 weights and the like
    • This also affects the output of uniform


  • Added commonjs and iife support
  • The module can now be imported in pieces more properly
  • Updated README with new changes
  • Added new bool function, which gives a 50/50 chance for either true or false


  • Dependency updates
  • Added build process


  • Initial Release